The Finnish Transparency Register is now open

Those carrying out lobbying or lobbying consultancy targeted at Parliament and the ministries can now register with the Finnish Transparency Register.

Registration is open
Disclosure period opens

What’s new


The first list of lobbying targets has been published

To support reporting on lobbying activities, the NAOF publishes a list of lobbying targets and updates the list on a quarterly basis. The first list has now been published.


Kuulemistilaisuus: Lobbauksen eettiset suositukset 11.4.2024 klo 9

Avoimuusrekisterin neuvottelukunta laatii parhaillaan lobbauksen eettisiä suosituksia kaikille vaikuttamistyötä tekeville. Vaikuttamistyötä tekevien ja muiden sidosryhmien kuulemista varten aiheesta j...


Is your organisation ready to report on its activities to the Finnish Transparency Register?

Organisations engaged in lobbying must register with the Finnish Transparency Register by the end of March. If everything is not yet in place, now is a good time to act. We compiled a checklist with g...



When do lobbyists have to register? When are disclosures of activities submitted? Check the most important dates of the Finnish Transparency Register here.

Questions and answers

Do you have any questions about the Finnish Transparency Register? Check if they are already answered in the Q&A section.


The newsletter addressed to the stakeholders of the Finnish Transparency Register is published four times a year. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news on the Register.